Writing nonsense

Nasi goreng very nice

  • September 02, 2022

    Dishes in Budapest

    After a long while, I’m finally jotting down details about dishes I had in Budapest last September. Unfortunately I’ve lost quite a few details in my memory, so some descriptions might be just vague. I still remember if these dishes were nice and whether I would have them again though, which are the most important things. :D

  • August 10, 2021

    Bouchons in Lyon

    I went on a short trip to Lyon and visited a few “bouchons”. A bouchon is a (usually) small restaurant that mainly serves not sophisticated but traditional local dishes. Bouchons were originally for workers around Lyon, so in general they serve meat dishes with a stronger flavour compared with other types of French cooking. Here I’m going to introduce the bouchons I visited and the dishes I had.